New Article * 작성자 * 비밀번호 메일 홈페이지 * 제목 에디터 * 본문 achor wrote >Lab Test 120 - STR/DEX Influence on P. Critical Skill Rate (Archer) > >Testing: DEX Skill crit influence past the 85 value. > >Question: What is the skill crit chance, past the 85 DEX. Tests were done using just 80 DEX as maximum. I can go to 90 DEX soon, so if I can go everyone that has an ELF can. So please do this test to see if skill crit changes past 80DEX. > > And if it's possible to test it till 95 DEX. That would be great. > >Reason: If it's worth going past 80/85 DEX or not. So I can focus my build on STR or CON. > >IMPORTANT: This lab test shows how DEX and STR influence Critical Skill Rate for Archers. I will be conducting an additional test for Rogues. > >------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Character A: Level 99 Yul Ghost Sentinel >Character B: Level 99 Aeore Cardinal >Status: Soulshots and Full ISS Buffs level 4 >Skills: Quick Shot >Weapon: R99 Bow >Armor: None | Light Armor > >Quick Shot Skill (DEX) - Light Armor: >DEX 50 > Test 1: 80/1,000 > Test 2: 72/1,000 > Test 3: 71/1,000 > Test 4: 76/1,000 > Test 5: 86/1,000 > TOTAL: 385/5,000 >DEX 60 > Test 1: 90/1,000 > Test 2: 95/1,000 > Test 3: 108/1,000 > Test 4: 95/1,000 > Test 5: 99/1,000 > TOTAL: 487/5,000 >DEX 75 > Test 1: 124/1,000 > Test 2: 101/1,000 > Test 3: 105/1,000 > Test 4: 127/1,000 > Test 5: 108/1,000 > TOTAL: 565/5,000 >DEX 85 > Test 1: 156/1,000 > Test 2: 136/1,000 > Test 3: 127/1,000 > Test 4: 122/1,000 > Test 5: 146/1,000 > TOTAL: 687/5,000 >DEX 100 > Test 1: 163/1,000 > Test 2: 159/1,000 > Test 3: 177/1,000 > Test 4: 171/1,000 > Test 5: 145/1,000 > TOTAL: 816/5,000 > > Quick Shot Skill (DEX) - No Armor: >DEX 50 > Test 1: 72/1,000 > Test 2: 87/1,000 > Test 3: 94/1,000 > Test 4: 91/1,000 > Test 5: 97/1,000 > TOTAL: 441/5,000 >DEX 75 > Test 1: 77/1,000 > Test 2: 83/1,000 > Test 3: 60/1,000 > Test 4: 90/1,000 > Test 5: 72/1,000 > TOTAL: 382/5,000 >DEX 85 > Test 1: 86/1,000 > Test 2: 71/1,000 > Test 3: 82/1,000 > Test 4: 79/1,000 > Test 5: 86/1,000 > TOTAL: 404/5,000 >DEX 100 > Test 1: 99/1,000 > Test 2: 74/1,000 > Test 3: 94/1,000 > Test 4: 71/1,000 > Test 5: 78/1,000 > TOTAL: 416/5,000 > ------------------ >Quick Shot Skill (STR) - No Armor: >STR 106/50 DEX > Test 1: 72/1,000 > Test 2: 87/1,000 > Test 3: 94/1,000 > Test 4: 91/1,000 > Test 5: 97/1,000 > TOTAL: 441/5,000 >STR 150/50 DEX > Test 1: 124/1,000 > Test 2: 125/1,000 > Test 3: 107/1,000 > Test 4: 112/1,000 > Test 5: 102/1,000 > TOTAL: 570/5,000 >STR 200/50 DEX > Test 1: 134/1,000 > Test 2: 139/1,000 > Test 3: 118/1,000 > Test 4: 135/1,000 > Test 5: 127/1,000 > TOTAL: 653/5,000 > >Normal Attack Results - For those who are confused by how the DEX stat works with P. Critical/normal attack crits > DEX 50 (P. Critical - 363): 3,465/10,000 > DEX 55 (P. Critical - 374): 3,558/10,000 > DEX 60 (P. Critical - 385): 3,682/10,000 > DEX 65 (P. Critical - 398): 3,816/10,000 > DEX 70 (P. Critical - 411): 3,985/10,000 > DEX 75 (P. Critical - 426): 4,129/10,000 > DEX 80 (P. Critical - 441): 4,207/10,000 > DEX 85 (P. Critical - 457): 4,432/10,000 > DEX 90 (P. Critical - 473): 4,560/10,000 > DEX 95 (P. Critical - 490): 4,674/10,000 > DEX 100 (P. Critical - 500): 4,740/10,000 > DEX 200 (P. Critical - 500): 4,746/10,000 > >------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >1. 일단 DEX 영향을 받기 위해서는 반드시 경갑을 착용해야 하고, >2. 한계치 없이 DEX에 따라 스킬 크리티컬 확률은 상승하며, >3. DEX 대비하여 미약하긴 하지만 STR도 스킬 크리티컬 확률에 영향을 미침 >4. 율 아처에만 해당 (오셀 로그는 추가 실험 예정) > >- achor 분류 공지일반론노하우실험실기타정의계산법아이템컨트롤JUJIReportYUMI툴킷 문서형태 TextHtmlText+Html 공개여부 비공개 메일전송 전송안함 시기 CC1CC2CC3CC4CC5CC6CT1CT2CT3CT4CT5CT6CT7CT8CT9CT10CT11CT12GD1GD2GD3GD4GD5GD6GD7GD8GD9ET1 reCaptcha 스팸성 광고물을 방지하기 위하여 초 후에 게시물 등록이 가능합니다. achorWEbs v7.