Bitdrive, the brand-new ridesharing platform based on the revolutionary blockchain technology

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Meet the next Uber of blockchain-Bitdrive, a ride-sharing platform that utilizes the power of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to offer decentralized services to its customers. It is here to disrupt the big players in the ride-sharing industry that are based on centralized systems, by offering several advantages such as low commission fees, faster transactions, low fares for the customers, better remuneration for the drivers and more. All of this is made possible by eliminating middlemen and third-party involvements. The goal of Bitdrive is to build a global decentralized ridesharing platform, for which they have also locked the team tokens for 2 years.

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First Written: 05/01/2015 16:08:00
Last Modified: 03/04/2025 07:51:27