Lab Test 52 - Single Dagger vs Dual Dagger
~Request by lostAcct~
Testing: Othell Skill Damage
Question: Which provides overall greater skill damage/dps, Single Dagger or Dual Daggers
Reason: Not sure if it has been actually tested yet, I have my own opinions about it and prefer dual daggers and some others I know swear about single daggers. Time to settle the differences.
Weapons: +4 Amaranthine Shaper and +4 Amaranthine Dual Dagger
Character A: Human Level 99 Othell Rogue
Character A Status: No Armor/Equipment with Soulshots and Heavenly Cocktail Buffs
Character B: Human Level 99 Othell Rogue
Character B Status: No Armor/Equipment with Heavenly Cocktail Buffs
+4 Amaranthine Shaper (Single Dagger):
Normal Attack (front) - 1,616 Damage
Normal Attack (front crit) - 3,079 Critical Damage
Normal Attack (back) - 2,424 Damage
Normal Attack (back crit) - 4,125 Critical Damage
Heart Breaker (from behind) - 18,628 / 37,256 Critical Damage
Blood Stab (from behind) - 17,979 / 35,959 Critical Damage
+4 Amaranthine Dual Dagger:
Normal Attack (front) - 1,107 & 738 Damage
Normal Attack (front crit) - 2,146 & 1,560 Critical Damage
Normal Attack (back) - 1,661 & 1,107 Damage
Normal Attack (back crit) - 2,863 & 2,038 Critical Damage
Heart Breaker (from behind) - 18,440 / 36,880 Critical Damage
Blood Stab (from behind) - 17,781 / 35,562 Critical Damage
+16 Blessed Amaranthine Shaper [Haste + Focus]
Heart Breaker (from behind) - 22,121 / 44,242 Critical Damage
Blood Stab (from behind) - 21,406 / 42,812 Critical Damage
+16 Blessed Amaranthine Dual Dagger [Damage Up + Focus]
Heart Breaker (from behind) - 22,724 / 45,449 Critical Damage
Blood Stab (from behind) - 21,997 / 43,995 Critical Damage
Physical Punch Machine DPS Test:
+4 Amaranthine Shaper - 256 DPS (back) / 218 DPS (front)
+4 Amaranthine Dual Dagger - 291 DPS (back) / 269 DPS (front)
Physical Punch Machine DPS Test (Request by Rumble):
+16 Blessed Amaranthine Shaper [Haste + Focus] - 544 DPS (back) / 395 DPS (front)
+16 Blessed Amaranthine Dual Dagger [Damage Up + Focus] -570 DPS (back) / 428 DPS (front)
결론인 즉슨,
+4 헬리오스 셰이퍼: 후방 블러디스탭 17,979
+4 헬리오스 듀얼대거: 후방 블러디스탭 17,181
로 한손단검이 미세하게 높으나
+16 헬리오스 셰이퍼: 후방 블러디스탭 21,406
+16 헬리오스 듀얼대거: 후방 블러디스탭 21,997
로 양손단검이 미세하게 높아진다는 것
+4이상 인챈 시 추가 크리티컬 대미지가 한손단검이 더 높기 때문인데
이것이 +16 인챈에 이르러서는 무기공격력 차이가 크게 벌어져 이를 상쇄하고 역전시키기 때문
곧 과거와 달리 무기공격력이 단검 스킬대미지에 미치는 영향이 적지 않음
그러나 개인적으론 둘 다 갖고 있다 하여도 PVP용이라면 스킬성공확률까지 감안하여 한손단검을 선택하겠음
- achor
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