Testing: p critical damage hat (+90 p crit damage) and sub crit damage increase (+54)
Question: How does p critical damage increase translate in terms of both skill and normal attack damage gain? Would be nice to see for instance the difference in crit damage coming from a +90 p crit damage hat compared to +3 str or +5% pattack.
Reason: Understand the damage increase in terms of % or total damage amount of p critical damage.
Items Tested: Critical Damage Hat, P. Atk 5% Hat, and STR +3 Hat
Player: Othell Rogue Level 99 with Heavenly Cocktail and Soulshots on
Weapon: Apocalypse Shaper
Normal Critical Attack without Hat - 1,989
Normal Critical Attack with Critical Damage Hat - 2,000
Normal Critical Attack with P. Atk Hat - 2,060 *
Normal Critical Attack with STR Hat - 2,036
Blood Stab Skill Attack without Hat - 9,282
Blood Stab Skill Attack with Critical Damage Hat - 9,352 *
Blood Stab Skill Attack with P. Atk Hat - 9,328
Blood Stab Skill Attack with STR Hat - 9,313
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