(아처) 나의 방학 계획들

   achor ( Hit: 153 Vote: 3 )

Today I'll finish my exam.
It's my first witer-vacation.
So I have too many things that I'd like to do.

First of all I must make much money.
It's for my next school-tern, and life.
So I'll do many part-time jobs.

And I'll go abroad if I have too much money.
I'd like to go to Philippine, Japan, and China.

And I also study English with you.
Today or tomorrow I'm going to start studying TOEIC.

Of course I don't forget my band, 'MICHINJASICDUL'.
So I'll compose many songs with Chul.
I show you the genuine music. KooHaHa~
(Though the Vocal is very poor... Hm~)

Anyway I will make my winter-vacation an unforgettable moment~

Good luck~

자랑찬 칼사사 무적 두목
3672/0230 건아처

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First Written: 02/26/2009 00:56:26
Last Modified: 08/23/2021 11:46:44